I’ve released a new version 1.5.2 of the VHDL compiler I’m working on. This is the second bug fix release on the 1.5 branch containing the following changes back-ported from the development branch:

  • Link libexecinfo on FreeBSD.
  • Implement textio READ procedure for BIT and TIME.
  • Fixed a crash when a long running procedure suspends in a loop.
  • Fix static linking with LLVM 12.0.
  • Fix crash when assigning to a signal declared in a package.
  • Fix incorrect recording of dependencies which caused a failure to load generated DLLs on Windows.
  • Fix file locking error when a library is located on NFS.
  • Optimise loading large library index from disk.
  • Fix a crash when using ‘VALUE with enumeration subtypes.
  • Fix a crash when a signal with more than 256 elements is declared in a package.


This release is signed with GPG key fingerprint 0784 505A DB5D 7D86 D2BD E6DA BCDB 295F 7431 9F1A. Download both the .sig and .tar.gz files and verify with:

gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys BCDB295F74319F1A
gpg --verify nvc-1.5.2.tar.gz

There is now a public git mirror at https://git.nickg.me.uk/nvc.git if you prefer not to use GitHub.