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Archives for September, 2012

Last Day of Summer

September 10th, 2012

Everyone knows Autumn has the best sunsets. Out and about near Henley yesterday evening. It’s lighter than it appears: hard to get the sky and ground to both expose nicely; presumably need some HDR trickery.

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New TrainGame release

September 8th, 2012

It’s been ages since I did much work on my unimaginatively-titled train driving game. Surprisingly some people have actually been trying to build the last release and it turns out anything using Boost bit-rots at an alarming pace. So I’ve bundled up the latest working version as TrainGame-0.2.2.tar.gz.

It’s not all build fixes though. Looking through the log for the past few years I’ve done plenty of optimisation and prettied up the grass as I explained previously.

To build and run after extracting the archive you’ll need to:

cmake .
./bin/TrainGame play figure8

You’ll need a recent-ish GCC or Clang and Boost.


September 2nd, 2012

Out wandering high up in the Chilterns near Russel’s Water I came across these pretty fluffy things. No idea what they are as usual. Perhaps some sort of dandelion? Blodgett would know.

Daily factoid: perusing the previously linked Wikipedia article, I discovered that these plants are adjacent to a pond featured in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Fascinating, eh?


September 2nd, 2012

The protagonist was thrilled to finally meet his long-standing hero, cyclopean freak “Mandeville”, at the Paralympic rowing this weekend.