June 17th, 2017
Here’s somewhere I’ve wanted to go ever since I moved to this part of northwest London but never had the chance, Harmondsworth Barn.

It’s a medieval great barn. One of the few places of that vintage in these parts, although it’s been upgraded and restored a lot over the years.
I originally heard about it as it was scheduled to be demolished to make way for the third runway at Heathrow, but it’s unclear to me whether it will survive under the latest plans.

The reason it took me so long to visit is that I can never get my head around “Nth Sunday of the month” type of opening days. And it’s only open in the summer months.
June 15th, 2017
Last Friday was entirely too sunny to spend in the office so I took an impromptu day off and went hiking in Chiltern Hills near home.
Originally I thought I’d get as far as Dunstable or Luton but that wasn’t going to happen so instead I stopped at Tring.

The one interesting bit happened right at the end where I spied a strange tower on a hitherto unexplored hill in the distance. After a bit of scrambling around I managed to climb up to it and it was this monument thing. Only open at the weekend apparently, which was a bit of a bummer.

Finally I managed to take this photo of off-scale-Englishness country scene.