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Archives for 2019

Big Wheel

May 2nd, 2019

On a clear day I can see in the distance a very tall tower-like thing from my apartment. On closer inspection it’s a giant Ferris wheel! It’s about 45 minutes walk away, near Shanghai south railway station. As it’s 108 metres tall and Shanghai is totally flat, from the top you ought to be able to see everything, but unfortunately the day I went was a bit hazy / polluted.

Bottom of the wheel…

At the top! I can see my apartment from here!

The wheel is attached to a fairground

It was almost sunset the first time round. Here’s a bonus night photo!

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Guilin Park

April 14th, 2019

There’s a really nice garden a few metro stops away from where I live (the station is also called “Guilin Park”). It only costs 1元 to go in! It’s not as impressive as some of the gardens I visited in Suzhou but it’s quite pleasant for a few hours on a Sunday afternoon. Especially with the cherry blossoms in spring…

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February 28th, 2019

I forgot to post anything from my work trip to Chengdu last year. A bit late, but I saw pandas for the first time ever!

Panda, eating some leaves

In a sort of semi-wild panda sanctuary. The best bit was when one of them climbed up a tree, looked around, and then climbed/fell down again. Otherwise they lived up to their reputation and didn’t do very much.

Panda, in a tree

Two pandas, playing?