I booted up one of my old PCs over Christmas and found some photos taken on my old Sony Ericsson camera phone. They were all from around 2005 or 2006 when I was living in Winchester. Phone camera technology has moved on a lot in the last ten years: this one had VGA resolution and seemingly no EXIF (although I may have accidentally clobbered that later).
This is the legendary Horse Monument from the first time I visited it with Pete. (I went back there more recently.)
Some of the photos have an unintended Instagram-esque quality due to the lameness of the phone. Like this one from when I was walking home along the river Itchen on a misty morning.
This is St Cross Hospital on the edge of Winchester.
And this one is a seagull on Eastbourne pier.
Finally, this one I rather like but I’m not sure where it was taken. It’s possibly Portsmouth or near Portchester castle.