Today is Valentine’s day. Valentine’s day is all about love, and the internationally recognised symbol of love is the stylised heart. I love sed. This is probably why I spent this evening alone writing a filter to format text as ASCII hearts:
nick@pickle:~$ sed --posix -n -f hearts.sed < poem Shall I comp are thee t o a summer 's day? Thou art more love ly and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling bu ds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the e ye of heaven shines , And often is his gold co mplexio n d i mmed; And ev ery fair f rom fair s ometime decli nes, By chanc e, or nature's changing cours e untrimmed. But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor los e possession of that fair t hou ow'st; Nor shall de ath brag thou wand' rest in his sha de, When in eterna l l i nes to time thou grow' st, So lon g as men can breathe or ey es can see, So long lives thi s, and this gives life to the e............................ ........................... ....................... ................... ............... ........... ....... ... .
You can download the script here: hearts.sed.
As far as I can tell, girls are mad keen on standards compliance. So I went out of my way to make this script POSIX compliant.
I’ve reproduced this labour of love below. As you can see, it demonstrates the elegance and practicality of sed as general purpose programming language:
: gather /^[[:space:]]*$/d s/[[:space:]]\{1,\}/ /g /.\{251\}/{ s/^\(.\{6\}\)\(.\{6\}\)/ \1 \2\n1/;P s/^.*\n1\(.\{10\}\)\(.\{10\}\)/ \1 \2\n2/;P s/^.*\n2\(.\{13\}\)\(.\{13\}\)/ \1 \2\n3/;P s/^.*\n3\(.\{29\}\)/\1\n4/;P s/^.*\n4\(.\{29\}\)/\1\n5/;P s/^.*\n5\(.\{29\}\)/\1\n6/;P s/^.*\n6\(.\{27\}\)/ \1\n7/;P s/^.*\n7\(.\{23\}\)/ \1\n8/;P s/^.*\n8\(.\{19\}\)/ \1\n9/;P s/^.*\n9\(.\{15\}\)/ \1\nA/;P s/^.*\nA\(.\{11\}\)/ \1\nB/;P s/^.*\nB\(.\{7\}\)/ \1\nC/;P s/^.*\nC\(.\{3\}\)/ \1\nD/;P s/^.*\nD\(.\)/ \1\n/;P $ { d; q } D } $ { s/$/\./; b gather } N s/\n\n*/ /g b gather
this is marvellous. i heartily approve of sed. it includes a good dose of prime numbers too!
it reminds me, some what of this:
though clearly this is not valid: just syntatically correct perl.
i wonder how hard it would be to make it hyphenate nicely.
February 15, 2010 @ 12:33 am
Well I’m glad someone liked it :-)
February 20, 2010 @ 11:24 am