September 27th, 2024
I did a walk to Newmarket last year via a route north of the A14 so I’d thought I’d have another go with a more southerly route.
Once out of Cambridge it was equally pleasant. The highlight probably being the ancient earthwork Fleam Dyke which had this unexpected barrow on it.

September 7th, 2024
A two part adventure this time, and my very first foray into Essex. Last Saturday afternoon I started with what was supposed to be a short leisurely walk along the River Orwell from Ipswich to Felixstowe.

Bridge over the river Orwell near Ipswich
I say supposed to because shortly after this photo was taken I strayed off the path into some sinking mud which absolutely covered my boots and the lower half of my trousers. This was doubly unfortunate because I was staying overnight in Felixstowe and didn’t bring a change of clothes, but I managed to do some emergency cleaning in the shower.
The next day I got up and walked to Landguard Point which has an amazing view of the Port of Felixstowe, Britain’s largest container port. I was lucky enough to see a mega-ship being unloaded while I was waiting for the ferry to Harwich. MSC Michelle for all you ship spotters.

MSC Michelle
I didn’t spend long in Harwich because I was worried about getting to Clacton in time for the last train but it felt a bit run-down compared to Felixstowe.
I skirted around the wild marshes and mudflats surrounding Horsey island and finally came to Frinton-on-Sea, resuming my walk around the coast. From there it was a short walk to Clacton-on-Sea.
I wasn’t sure what to expect in Clacton but the town was bustling. It’s definitely a bit tacky but in a fun traditional seaside kind of way. They have a great pier too which Hastings could learn a lot from as it actually has stuff on it, to you know, attract visitors. No sign of Farage.

Clacton pier